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For over 29 years, Damon has had experience in research, planning, assessment, design, and implementation of healthcare infrastructure systems.

He holds the following certifications and accreditations: CEM (Certified Energy Manager), HFDP (Healthcare Facility Design Professional), CBCP (Certified Building Commissioning Professional), EDAC (Evidence Based Design), CHFM (Certified Healthcare Facility Manager) and A-IPC (Associate in Infection Prevention and Control). His vision is to continuously improve infection prevention in the healthcare built and operations environment through actively engaging innovation and creativity. 


Two-time ASHRAE Technology Award Recipient

Facility Guideline Institute (FGI) Technical Program Reviewer

Author of sixteen technical publications including the ASHRAE Journal, Journal of the American College of Surgeons, and American Journal of Infection Control

Program Director for Global Health's Advanced Ventilation Laboratories

LUMA Institute (LI) trained

The Center for Health Design's EDAC Advisory Council

Education and Certifications

Bachelor of Science, Mechanical Engineering

CEM (Certified Energy Manager) 

HFDP (Healthcare Facility Design Professional) 

CBCP (Certified Building Commissioning Professional) 

EDAC (Evidence-Based Design Accreditation and Certification) 

CHFM (Certified Healthcare Facility Manager) 

A-IPC (Associate in Infection Prevention and Control)


Contact: dgreeley@globalhealthsystemsinc.com


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